Just A Few Things...

Friday, August 22, 2014

1. Lampshades are important, but not as much as chocolate milk.

2. Jerrod Carmichael is an amazing comedian, and I'm psyched and ready for his HBO special. I fell in love when I first heard him say, "$30 could change everything. I'm one overdraft fee from bankruptcy." He gets me. I recently saw him live, and he killed it, which is why I was so pleased to read this article referencing it. He's anything but politically correct, almost offensive, and I can't get enough. 

3. Flowers + Sunshine. Just a few more weekends of summer left here in Wisconsin. 

Farmer's Market Flowers
4. Hello Giggles featured must-make recipes containing the bottom tier of my food triangle, Nutella. Let's get together and try them all tonight. 

5. You wash. I'll dry. 

6. This Pinterest board full of piñata DIY ideas? Yes.

7. I'm back to blogging and face-a-bookin' and instagraming. Let's do this.

Stamping Clear Stamps

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